Yeah...number 1. There will be others.
I really wanted to kick off my part of the blog with a deep and thoughtful post but events driving my fiancée into work today made that impossible. So for my maiden voyage in this space, you get a rant.
One thing I can NOT get used to is the insistence of drivers merging on a highway that they have the right of way and can just keep rolling, damn the traffic on the highway.
When merging onto a highway my approach is to look at approaching traffic and see where I'll fit and try and hit the hole, adjusting my speed accordingly.
That is no longer en vogue.
Apparently the rule now is get your ass on the highway. Period. Don't see where you can fit. Don't try and be seamless in your merge. Just go. Hell, the poor bastard on the highway going 65 or 70 can adjust to your 50 mph ass, right? And if she's penned in to her left with traffic it's the perfect opportunity for her to test her brakes.
Of course if you happen to cut it too close and she ends up on your back bumper you can flip HER off! How can that dumbass NOT have seen you coming and made way for you?
I drive a lot. Like 45,000 miles per year a lot. I see this type of behavior more and more often and it drives me insane. And the vitriol these jackwagons heap upon those who are not bending to their will is mind-boggling.
I'm a Masshole, born and bred on routes 1, 128 and 95 in eastern Massachusetts and even I am stunned at the audacity and self-centeredness of these idiots.
Either I'm getting older and more crotchety (check!) or the increasing "me firstness" of our society has permeated our highway system.
It's one thing to bitch and moan about not being the CEO with your first job or complain about just about anything that is what you consider to be less than perfect, it's another entirely when you put lives at risk with your self absorption.
Wake the hell up before you kill someone.
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