Monday, January 11, 2016

It's GOTTA Be True!!

This one is going to be as short and sweet as I can make it… so hold on!!

Internet Memes. I KNOW they are made to make a light of situations and MAYBE inform us in a fun little way, but COME ON! I saw this gem today about Powerball.

Now,  I know that a lot of people crushed this right away because, you know… math. Some people didn’t crush it but shared it freely as fact. I know because 4 people on my Facebook feed shared it! (Time to cull the herd, obviously) I don’t mind the overall idea of the message. There is plenty of money to go around that would help everyone in this country. I work for a non-profit and get a little sick to my stomach when I see HUGE amounts of money spent on silly stuff. Any idea how much money is spent on electing a president? Nearly $500mil this year so far (, speaking of a HUGE waste of money – that’s another rant though. ANYHOW, because somebody created a picture and make it look kinda legit, people read it, share it, believe it and now because they saw it on the internet, it is truth. But the good thing is, like I said, there is math and people started tearing this meme down for what it is… obvious bullshit.

Less obvious is this one…

Great picture of Ol’ Geo. Wash. (that’s what I call him, Geo. Wash.), a font that looks kind of old and a quote that was tossed around a few months back during the “WAR ON CHRISTMAS”. I saw this quote generate a lot of conversation from a certain group of people who shall remain nameless, let’s just say they are NOT the Coffee Party or the Soda Party or the Milk Party. George Washington himself says that it is IMPOSSIBLE to govern a nation without God and a bible. SO the idea of church and state can be turned on and off as we see fit and then use it as a crowbar on the head of anyone with a different belief. And I will assume that means the King James Bible and no other religious text. Here’s the problem... according to the George Washington’s Mt. Vernon Library, there is no proof that he said it. (

BUT IT LOOKS SO OFFICIAL!!! HE HAD TO HAVE AT LEAST THOUGHT IT! Hate to break it to you, we will never know. I think we should use some of that PowerBall winning to contact the Long Island Medium and have her ask for us! But then again, why does she already KNOW the numbers to the PowerBall and win it herself? Another rant???

So in closing, just stop it. It’s stupid. I am guilty about reading and sharing meme’s, so I get how easy it is to get wrapped up in the thought that somebody powerful, smart or respected thinks the same way you do on your causes. I just wish we had a device or the technology to look into these quotes and statements to see if they are true. Maybe one day we will. *Fingers Crossed*

With that, in the spirit of quoting our founding fathers, I will leave you with my favorite quote from one of our fondest presidents.

Who knew Abe was so edgy?

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